Website Specials Packages
in addition to business cards, letter heads
and brochures your company must have a website.
Your website must project to any visitor how
great your company is and why they must work
with you. ProHosterZ specializes in helping you
take your company online.
Our showcase
of both local and international clients will
give you the confidence that you are working
with a team of trained professionals who assure
the fact that we always stand by our commitment
to build you great quality websites. |
Client Testimonial
“The ProHosterZ team
is fantastic to work with. They are responsive
without compromising on quality. We could
not be more satisfied. Based on our experience
we are constantly recommending ProHosterz to
our partners”
Kachina Chawla (Gharkamai) |
Choose from one of our 4 special web packages designed
specifically for your needs.
ProHosterZ Website Packages
You know that
it is essential for your business to be
online. You however need to focus on running
your business and not waste your time
learning about how to buy domain names,
ftp accounts etc. Call and our friendly
and professional team will get your site
up for you from start to finish without
any hassles for you.
- Select from Template Bank
- Upto 10 Inner Pages
- Photo Gallery
- Search Engine Friendly
- Contact Us Form
- Fully Expandable
Time - 2/3 Days |
Package Description:
- Choose from 10 templates from our template
- Professional layout
- Static navigation
- Client given Images and text
- Upto 10 inner pages (About Us, Products,
Services, Contact Us, etc.)
- Photo gallery – 5 images
- Feedback / Contact Us form programming
- Search Engine Friendly design
Time for Completion
2/3 Days
Choose from Template Bank
Home page template for the website can be
selected from the existing templates (any
10) available with ProHosterZ.
Inner Pages
Number of inner web pages can be upto 10
(example pages - about company, products,
services, clients, contact us, etc). Link
names can be changed as per the requirement.
Photo Gallery
Photo gallery pages with a maximum of 5
images will be incorporated with enlarge
photo option.
Enquiry/ Feedback
Standard enquiry or feedback form will be
generated and information will be forwarded
to your email id.
W3C Standards
Website will be designed and tested according
to W3C HTML and CSS standards.
Support will be provided via email only.
48 hour response time.
Website Updates - Chargeable
Updates like text and image changes will
be done as per client requirement.
* Taxes as applicable
* This cost does
not include domain name and website hosting
Your savvy
clients come to your website to see
what your company is all about. A professional
website will not only showcase your
products and services, but will considerably
add to the credibility of your company.
Our professional team will bring your
company to life on the web.
- Select from Template Bank
- Upto 15 Inner Pages
- Google Map
- Photo Gallery
- Contact Us Form
- Fully Expandable
Time - 1 Week |
Package Description:
- Choose from a wide range of templates
available with our template bank
- Flash banner for the inner pages
- Professional layout
- Java rollover navigation
- Client given images and text
- Upto 15 inner pages (About Us, Products,
Services, Contact Us, etc.)
- Feedback / Contact Us form programming
- Google map
- Multi effect photo gallery – 10
- Search Engine Friendly design
Time for Completion
1 Week
Choose from Template
Home page & Template for the website
can be selected from the existing templates
available with ProHosterZ.
Flash Banner
A contemporary flash banner will be designed
with the products and services.
Inner Pages
Number of inner web pages can be upto 15
(example pages - about company, products,
services, clients, contact us, etc). Link
names can be changed as per the requirement.
Photo Gallery
Photo gallery pages with a maximum of 10
images will be incorporated. Client can
select the gallery from various multi effect
galleries available.
Enquiry/ Feedback
Standard enquiry or feedback form will be
generated and information will be forwarded
to your email id.
W3C Standards
Website will be designed and tested according
to W3C HTML and CSS standards.
Support will be provided via telephone and
email. 24 hours response time.
Website Updates - Chargeable
Updates like text and image changes will
be done as per client requirement.
* Taxes as applicable
* This cost does
not include domain name and website hosting
The web
is essential for your company. You have
identified that showcasing your products
and services in the right manner on
the web can add to your sales and the
growth of your company. Call and our
professional team will not only help
you build your site but will advise
you on how to go about building your
site right.
- Customized Home Page
- Upto 25 Inner Pages
- Photo Gallery
- Flash Banner
- Site Map
- SEO Ready
Time - 2.5 Weeks |
Package Description:
- Customized home page design
- Inner page choose from a wide range
of templates
- Flash banner
- Client supplied images
- Upto 25 inner pages (About Us, Products,
Services, Contact Us, etc.)
- Multi effect photo gallery – 20
- Java navigation & enhancements
- Google map to contact page
- Feedback / Contact Us form programming
- Site map
- SEO ready
Time for Completion
2.5 Weeks
Home Page
Customized design for home page.
Inner page Choose from Template
Inner page can be chosen from the template
bank provided by ProHosterZ.
Flash Banner
A contemporary flash banner will be designed
with the products and services.
Inner Pages
Number of inner web pages can be upto 25
(example pages - about company, products,
services, clients, contact us, etc). Link
names can be changed as per the requirement.
Photo Gallery
Photo gallery pages with a maximum of 20
images will be incorporated. Client can
select the gallery from various multi effect
galleries available.
Enquiry/ Feedback
Standard enquiry or feedback form will be
generated and information will be forwarded
to your email id.
W3C Standards
Website will be designed and tested according
to W3C HTML and CSS standards.
Support will be provided via telephone and
email. 24 hours response time.
Website Updates - Chargeable
Updates like text and image changes will
be done as per client requirement.
* Taxes as applicable
* This cost does
not include domain name and website hosting
Your company
must set itself apart from all others
on the web. You have a brand identity
and a feel for your company and need
to work with a solid professional company
that knows how to represent your company
in the online world. Our professional
staff specializes in designing and producing
quality websites for companies such
as yours. Call us to set you apart on
the web.
- Customized Web Design
- Upto 50 Inner Pages
- Flash Animation on the Homepage
- Contact Us Form
- Analytics Embedded
- Search Engine Submission to
Free Sites
Time - 3.5 Weeks |
Package Description:
- Fully customized website design
- Flash banner on the home page and inner
- Client supplied images
- Upto 50 inner pages (About Us, Products,
Services, Contact Us, etc.)
- Multi effect photo gallery – 25
- SEO guideline ready
- Search Engine Submission to free sites
- Analytics embedded
- Feedback form
- Google map to contact page
- Site map
Time for Completion
3.5 Weeks
Fully Customized Website Design
Home page & Template for the website
will be custom designed as per the requirement
using images provided by client.
Flash Banner
A contemporary flash banner will
be designed with the products and services.
Inner Pages
Number of inner web pages can be
upto 50 (example pages - about company,
products, services, clients, contact us,
etc). Link names can be changed as per the
Advisory on Template & Content
ProHosterZ will provide adequate advice on template
design and content for the website.
Photo Gallery
Photo gallery pages with a maximum of 25
images will be incorporated. Client can
select the gallery from various multi effect
galleries available.
Enquiry/ Feedback
Standard enquiry or feedback form will be
generated and information will be forwarded
to your email id.
Meta Tags
Meta tags embedded in the website.
Search Engine Submission
Website will be submitted to free major
search engines.
SEO Guided Design
Website will be designed as per Search Engine
Optimization guidelines.
Analytics Embedded
Website will be embedded with google
W3C Standards
Website will be designed and tested according
to W3C HTML and CSS standards.
Support will be provided via telephone and
email. 24 hours response time.
Website Updates - Chargeable
Updates like text and image changes will
be done as per client requirement.
* Taxes as applicable
* This cost does
not include domain name and website hosting